4 Easy Ways To Improve An Aura | No One Has Ever Told You Before Like This

Muhammad Nabeet
5 min readAug 11, 2020


Help You Improve Your Personality

4 Easy Ways To Improve An Aura

Scientists have proved that everything in the world is energy. Energy can also be in solid forms, such as if you have a mobile or are using a laptop, it is also a key form of energy. Similarly, the aura is also a form of energy. SAS.UPENN.EDU already mention is this report. Do you know about aural energy? How aura helps you improve your personality, improve your personality skills, improve your personality development? Today we will discuss what an aura meaning and 4 simple ways to improve aural skills are.

Aura Meaning

Aura is a layer that surrounds every living thing and is made up of electromagnetic energy. Every living person has an energy that keeps changing and revolving around him. More living things, such as trees, flowers, or animals, can also be energy fields. Aura has different types of attributes with different colors, which are included ( red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet ) amazing facts is every color have different strengths.

Have you ever thought that sometimes someone suddenly seems to like us or sometimes someone is dominating us? For example, have you ever noticed that a person in a mall is wearing a business suit, affecting your eyes?

Another example: As all the siblings are playing at home, all of a sudden, the father comes, so they run and play and start studying so that the father does not get angry, and they are also afraid of it. The thing to understand in this is that at this time, the father is in his leading position. In the same way, when you start liking a person, he and you are getting along.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Now let’s talk about how you can improve your work ethic to improve your personality. These are a few points.

1. Adopt good habits

2. Positive Thinker

3. Meditation

4. Good company

Aura ( Energy )

1. Adopt Good Habit

You can also adopt some good habits. If I talk to others, then there are many qualities of Allah (SWT). Take any attribute of Allah (SWT). As:

Ar-Rahman (الرحمن) The All-Compassionate مہربان بہت

Ar-Rahim (الرحيم) The All-Merciful والا رحم نہایت

Al-Muhaymin (المهيمن) The Guardian والاکرنے نگرانی

Al-Ghaffar (الغفار) The Forgiving والا بخشنے

Al-Basit (الباسط) The Reliever والا کرنے کشادہ

Al-Mu’izz (المعز) The Bestower of Honors والا دینے عزت

Similarly, the patience and gift of Hazrat Ayub are very famous, and there is a person whose generosity we know as Hatim Tai. By clicking on the link, you can see which attributes you like; then you can adopt the same attributes. You can also find more attributes in Names on ALLAH ( SWT)

2.Positive Thinker

You have to be a positive thinker. Most of the time, you have to think positively, which will make you and others positive, and it will create positive energy, which we also call positive vibration. This energy is felt by you as well as other people. This point to help out to improve your positive vibes.

3. Meditation / Fitness


Meditation can also improve your glow, and you will increase your focus, which shows that we can easily remember anything, and our fitness will also be good. Exercise should also be done as it keeps our body strong.

4. Good Company

Good Company

Join in a good company of friends, what will be the effect of a good company with you, I will tell a story while completing my topic.

There was a strong wind in the forest, the silence of the night, the storm was coming, suddenly it rained. All the animals started running here and there. There was also a herd of lions. Running away, the lion cub becomes lonely from his group and falls down a hill, where a herd of wolves joins him, and over time the cub grows. One day, he saw me coming from the front, and I saw myself running after the rabbit, hunting, and eating.

He saw the scene three or four times, and the next time he tried to hunt a rabbit, he tore it apart with the force of his nails and teeth. His mouth was covered in blood. He ate the rabbit, and then only he who knew his power could know what was feeling inside him.

The lion was inside him, but by living with the fox, he had forgotten his abilities. Still, when he saw himself, he did not realize these abilities, but when he understood about it, how do lions live, eat, and hunt? Similarly, an equal principle applies in our lives, friends, habits, good habits, or bad habits, and then we leave from time to time.

Be a skillful lion instead of a well-trained lion.

I hope you have understood this example well and will comment below and tell us which point you like the most and if you have any more points, then share it with us.


I hope you have understood all the points that I was trying to explain to you about how aura helps you improve your personality, improve your personality skills, improve your personality development, and an aura meaning and 4 simple ways to improve aural skills. If any point did not understand and any inquiry you have, please ask in the comment section and tell us which point you like the most and if you have any more points, then share it with us. In the end, be a skillful lion instead of a well-trained lion and show our skills.



Muhammad Nabeet

Hafiz-E-Quran | Teacher | Problem Solving Speaker | Content Writer | Different Thinker | And Provide The New Thinking Pattern To The World